Friday, April 1, 2011

Dress to Dance Wear

My daughter was participating in her school annual talent show and had chosen a party dress to wear. The dress looked quite pretty but I felt that it was not flashy enough for the stage. I wanted to do something about it.

I decided to add some shine to it by using a sequined fabric. The advantage of this fabric is that it does not fray around the edges -which meant no hemming!!

I prepared several strips of one, two, three inch width. I sewed one inch strip on the neckline. Two inch strip went on the sleeves. I used three inch strip around the bottom edge gathering. One inch strips went around the legs of the tights to match the dress! My daughter simply glittered on the stage as she went through her graceful motions!

This glittering fabric changed the look of the dress from a simple party dress into a nice dance wear. When she was dancing, the little addition to the dress made a big difference on the stage.

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